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The strategy behind launching a podcast for your Brand

Author: Veronica Agapanti

Publication date: 09.04.2024

There has never been a better time to start podcasting. In recent years, podcasts have developed as the aural counterpart of blogs, and the sector has grown dramatically. Surprisingly, despite this growth, there are only 2 million podcasts globally, compared to nearly 600 million blogs.


This suggests that, while podcasts are becoming more popular, they have yet to achieve the kind of saturation and competition seen in the blogging world. In this educational article, we'll reveal the key to a successful podcast and offer essential advice on how to start your own program.


Now, let's go into the basics. Where should you start?

What is a branded Podcast?

This is the most evident place to begin.


For those who are unfamiliar, a branded podcast is one developed by a business in order to primarily form relationships with ideal consumers. They may be aiming to increase sales, promote a new product, enhance content marketing, or just expand their brand.


If executed correctly, a good podcast content strategy will boost the brand's industry authority in all of these areas.

5 Reasons Why Your Brand Needs a Podcast Content Strategy

1.  Build a better connection with audiences

Connecting with consumers via audio or video material pays off. Your voice is a great weapon that may help you connect with your audience more personally than written information. It may foster trust (which is necessary when selling a product or service in the first place) and loyalty, especially if you look open and honest.


2.  Raise your Brand’s Profile

Leaving aside minor details. Podcasts allow you to tell listeners about your brand's narrative. Transparency regarding the roots of your company and the ideals you stand for may be quite useful when it comes to attracting a loyal customer. If clients believe they understand who you are as a brand, they will be more likely to deal with you.


3.  Audiences can listen to episodes On-The-Go

One big advantage of podcasting is the ease with which episodes may be downloaded and listened to from anywhere. Listening to an episode of a podcast requires almost little effort, and once downloaded, it may be played at any time. This improves listener retention.


4.  Podcasts are engaging (if done well)

The spoken word may provide a welcome difference from reading stuff online. A branded podcast may capitalize on this. It's also a more participatory manner of communicating with your audience, allowing you to get to know them better and build a lasting relationship with them.


5.  Increased traffic to your website

Getting customers to your brand's website is the most difficult element of the sales process. Fortunately, a strong podcast content strategy can help you with this. Because as your podcast grows, so will people's trust in it. Hopefully, so will your entire podcast SEO presence.

Brainstorming your podcast

Starting a podcast needs thorough preparation and attention to detail. While it may appear simple, there are a few important considerations to consider. The first step is to identify the goal of your podcast.

If you work as a freelancer or own a business, decide if this podcast will be a passion project or a strategic component of your firm that generates revenue. Furthermore, determining your podcast's subject and target audience is critical.


As a result, before moving forward with the next phases, you must first determine the goal and specialty of your podcast. Once you've resolved these points, concentrate on choosing a distinctive and fascinating name that connects with your target audience and appropriately portrays the content of your podcast.


Finally, make a plan outlining your release frequency, such as weekly, biweekly, or monthly, as well as the particular days and hours for posting episodes. Consider if you'll broadcast the podcast alone, with a co-host, or with guest speakers on each episode. You may even combine various formats, but be sure you provide a clear plan for each variant.

Recording your Podcast

While it may be tempting to have a ready-made screenplay to guarantee that all of your points are addressed, you must consider the time investment needed in script preparation.


Unless you intend to create short, 5-minute episodes, writing a screenplay for lengthier material can take many pages and may be regarded as a time-consuming effort by many.


Furthermore, depending entirely on a script and reading it out may sound simple and effective. However, as many of us have discovered, listening to someone read a script may be tedious and uninteresting.


To avoid seeming dull and without enthusiasm, sketch down essential ideas and notions ahead of time. This method enables you to prioritize themes without the need for lengthy script drafting and memorizing.

A final note on Launching your Podcast

So there you have it: a strategy to make podcasts work for your company, whether you start your own program or form strategic alliances.


The podcast market may appear saturated, but if done correctly, you can still capture your audience's attention and establish a relationship. At its core, it's all about telling tales that people actually want to hear. Be original, daring, and, most importantly, human, and your podcast will pay off.


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