At Vision Factory we provide you with an opportunity for internships in Spain in Logistics & Operations Management.
This business field refers to the process of coordinating and moving resources. With this terms we talk about people, materials, inventory, and equipment from a location to storage at the desired destination. If you are a forward-thinking team player with excellent numerical and analytical skills, you might be a perfect match for this position. So, grab the chance to have your internship in Spain and be part of an international team with english speakers.
Whether you are planning to do your Barcelona internship abroad within or outside the Erasmus program, we can make it possible for you to join our team. Since we are looking for motivated and talented candidates all year, you can decide when you would like to start your internship and for how long.
As an intern in our Logistics Department, your main tasks include:
Overseeing the life cycle of our projects
SWOT analysis
Business plan development
Generating high quality leads
Supporting Human Resources department
Approving timesheets
Logistic help in preparing databases
What we expect from you as our intern:
You can skillfully use Microsoft office software (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint)
You have good English reading and speaking abilities and excellent written and verbal communication skills
You are highly motivated to contribute your skills and knowledge about Logistics to our daily business

What you can expect from us in return:
A friendly atmosphere at a comfortable office as an intern in Barcelona
Work experience in an international and dynamic team
The chance to earn high commission for your successful work
A very flexible schedule
A certificate of participation at the end of your internship
Delicious coffee