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How does the health crisis affect the recruitment process of companies?


Updated: Nov 28, 2023

Omar from Vision Factory

Author: Omar El Kassas

Date of Publication: 14/04/2023

The ongoing health crisis has had a significant affect on businesses and industries

worldwide, and recruitment is no exception. In fact, the pandemic has forced many

companies to reevaluate their recruitment processes and strategies. This is because

the traditional methods of recruiting have been disrupted. Let’s take a look now at

how health crises affect the recruitment process of companies.

Hiring process - employer and employee

Remote Hiring and Onboarding

One of the most significant impacts of the health crisis on recruitment is the shift

towards remote hiring and onboarding processes. In particular, with social distancing

measures in place, many companies had to abandon traditional in-person interviews and

assessments. Actually, they moved towards virtual interviews and assessments instead.

This required recruiters to become proficient in using video conferencing software

and other digital tools. This is because they had to ensure that they could conduct remote interviews and assessments effectively.

Additionally, the onboarding process has also undergone significant changes. Companies

had to develop new ways to onboard new hires remotely. For example, some ways were

virtual orientation sessions, online training modules, and digital access to company

resources. However, these changes didn’t only allow companies to continue with

recruitment processes during the pandemic. In fact, they also highlighted the importance

of having robust digital infrastructure and training programs in place.

Slow Hiring Process

The health crisis has also resulted in a slowdown in the recruitment process for many

companies. With economic uncertainty, many companies have put a hold on hiring,

resulting in fewer job openings and reduced competition for candidates. Additionally, many recruiters had to take on additional responsibilities, such as managing employee health and safety. As a result, this led to delays in the recruitment process.

Moreover, the pandemic has also caused many companies to shift their focus toward

retaining existing employees. Otherwise, they would have to hire new ones. This has

resulted in reduced demand for new talent. In particular, we refer to industries that

have been hit hard by the pandemic, such as hospitality and travel.

Increased Competition for Remote Workers

The shift towards remote work has opened up opportunities for companies to hire

talents from anywhere in the world. As a result, there is increased competition for

remote workers, as companies can now tap into a global pool of talent. However, it has

also increased the number of candidates applying for remote positions. This way, it

makes it more challenging for recruiters to identify and attract the best talent.

Remote worker

Furthermore, remote work has also raised the importance of soft skills. For example,

communication and collaboration are crucial as teams now have to work together virtually. Therefore, recruiters must be able to identify candidates who possess these skills, as they are essential for remote work success.

Greater Emphasis on Employee Health and Safety

The health crisis has brought employee health and safety to the forefront of recruitment

processes. Companies have had to implement strict health and safety protocols to

protect their employees and prevent the spread of the virus. As a result, recruiters have

had to adapt their recruitment processes to ensure that they are compliant with these


For example, some companies have implemented health screenings as part of the

recruitment process. What’s more, they require candidates to provide proof of a negative

COVID-19 test before attending an in-person interview. Other companies have shifted

towards using online assessments to reduce the need for in-person interactions. So,

recruiters must be aware of these protocols and adapt their recruitment processes

accordingly to ensure that they are compliant and do not put candidates at risk.

In a nutshell

In conclusion, the health crisis affects recruitment process of companies significantly. The pandemic has disrupted recruitment in various ways. The shift towards remote hiring and onboarding is one of them. There has also been a slowdown in the recruitment process due to economic uncertainty.

Furthermore, there is increased competition for remote workers, and employee health

and safety have become a great emphasis. To overcome these challenges, recruiters must be adaptable, proficient in digital tools, and aware of changing health and safety

protocols. Therefore, by doing so, they can continue to attract and hire the best talent, even in times of crisis.


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