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Updated: Nov 14, 2023

Darya Moroz, author of the article with title "Email-marketing"

Author: Darya Moroz

Date of Publication: 25/08/2022

email marketing

The first marketing email, someone sent, was in 1978 and led to $13 million in sales. This started the use of email marketing, which to this day remains one of the most popular digital tools.

What is email marketing and how does it work?

Email marketing is the systematic promotion of a company's products using emails. Of course, in order to send these emails, subscribers have given their permission. But it's not only about your company and its products! It's primarily about your customers. Here's a closer look at why email marketing is still one of the most important elements of marketing strategies. So, how can it be used responsibly and wisely?

Why do people need email marketing?

First of all, this type of promotion helps build long-term relationships with clients. It is possible to sell a product through advertising, but it is the mailing list that helps you reach your client directly.

Second, it helps increase brand awareness. A company can remind people about itself by sending letters through the mail. The more often people see your mailings, the more likely they are to choose you over a competitor in the future. But remember, the letters should be informative and unobtrusive!

And thirdly, don't forget about increasing sales! This is the main task of every marketer. You can send your subscribers newsletters about new promotions, sales, and individual offers. Then the customer will remember your brand, pay attention to the product and buy more.

What newsletters are effective in email marketing?

Depending on your email marketing goals, I suggest using one type of mailing list:

1. Regular emails.

Regular newsletters are emails that are collected manually. These emails are usually sent once a week or a month. Letters can contain a news digest, a full article just for newsletter subscribers, or a useful selection of products.

Regular newsletters are needed to:

keep in touch with subscribers and remind them of themselves;

● tell you what's new with the brand. In this way you increase the number of clicks from the email to the site;

● show that the newsletter is not readymade, but a real person has written it. Therefore, you will increase loyalty.

2. Reactivation letters

A reactivation letter is sent when the client hasn't opened the mailing list for a long time or if he hasn't reactivated the site. For example, our user hasn't bought anything or left a product in the cart but hasn't paid for it. The letter is a reminder, and you can also add a motivational element. Such elements may include a useful checklist, training materials, or instructions on what to do next.

Reactive emails are important to:

● remind the subscriber about your brand;

motivate the subscriber to make a targeted action - to buy, subscribe, visit the site.

duolingo - email marketing

3. Trigger emails

Trigger emails are automatic emails in response to user actions: subscribing, registering, long absence from the site or abandoned cart. Such a letter takes care of the subscriber. In fact, you can write in it what steps to take next and tips on using the service. Also you can mention what sections are on the site or send training materials.

Trigger emails are needed to:

● confirm the subscriber's action;

● introduce your brand to a new subscriber;

remind them about your brand;

● motivate them to complete a purchase or follow a link.

4. Transactional emails

Transactional emails are similar to trigger emails. They also automatically arrive in the mail and react to the user's actions. But they don't advertise the site. They only notify you that something has changed in your personal profile or on the site. Actually, they warn the user that the password on the site has changed and ask to confirm that the user did it himself, not a fraudster.

Transactional emails are essential because they:

● show concern for users, and thus increase loyalty;

● warn about important changes;

● monitor security.

email marketing

In a nutshell

Email marketing has become a popular tool for businesses because to some extent it makes the user take action toward it. Otherwise, the email will remain in the inbox until it is read, deleted or archived.

First of all email marketing helps build relationships with your target audience. But it also does important things like driving ongoing communication. It also helps in increasing traffic to your blog/social media where you need to get attention. Email can be converted and filled with relevant information. A wide range of formats and elements allows you to create a personalized email that definitely won't go unnoticed.


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