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Education to respect the environment


Updated: Apr 24, 2024

Publication date: 23.04.2024

Nowadays the environmental ruin is increasingly evident and for this reason it is increasingly common to hear about environmental respect, that is, the intention to pay more attention to the respect and well-being of the environment where we live, the resources that nature offers us and the climate.


But not only for this reason, there is more and more care for the environment because its well-being affects and is reflected on our and especially on the well-being of the generations that will come in the future.

What do we mean by respect for the environment?

When we hear about respect for the environment we mean all those habits put into practice with the aim of caring for the well-being of the environment around us without creating a negative effect on this. These have various facets ranging from an ethical aspect, to the social but also economic.


When we talk about respect for the environment, very important aspects are sustainability, which aims to meet the needs of society with activities that do not compromise the future of the environment. And not only that, it is important to be careful to avoid negative consequences for the environment and health.

One aspect that should not be underestimated is inclusion. It is very important to spread the excessive presence of environmental degradation to show how harmful it is for the environment itself but also for us and our health, trying to involve and encourage citizens to respect the environment in which we live.

Why it's important and how to put it into practice

As we have already mentioned, respect for the environment and the desire to pass it on to others is not only important for the good of the place where we live but also for us and for our health. It is important because the better the way we treat it, the better our lives will also be by avoiding problems related to climate change, pollution and infectious diseases.

We must be able to respect the environment for him, but also for ourselves. Doing so is not impossible but on the contrary it can be put into practice starting from simple actions that, although apparently trivial, can be of great help, such as reducing plastic, recycling, reducing water waste, reducing food waste. And still prefer the use of public transport or bicycles whenever possible and choose low-energy appliances.

Teaching environmental education: starting with children

A very important aspect of environmental education, especially for children, is how we behave. In fact our way of doing influences the behavior of the little ones who take us as examples. For this reason, if we want to transmit an education in favor of environmental respect, the first to have to put it into practice are us adults.

To convey an education on environmental respect we can mainly explain what it is and the importance it has with small examples in everyday actions. Involving them in separate collection, in nature activities, taking walks or a bike ride, introducing them to a more sustainable way of behaving.

The most important thing is to transmit because it is important to respect the environment, starting from simple actions. You can show how things can be recycled and used more than once. For example, the water used to wash the salad can be used a second time to water the plants reducing waste.

Or you can explain how actions we do in everyday life if done wrong can have serious consequences, such as throwing a rejection. If instead of throwing it in the bin it is thrown into the street this action will have a negative impact, on the contrary if thrown in the trash we are doing the good of the environment, showing that to respect it is not necessary to make grand gestures with great effort, but simple daily actions done in the right way.


We can conclude by saying that today it is increasingly urgent to rediscover that sense of importance towards respect for the environment and all the nature that surrounds us, for the environment itself but also for our lives and our future.

Even more fundamental is to realize how important it is to introduce an education to respect the environment already at an early age, in order to be able to raise children already with that value, preventing them from making gestures that may have a negative impact on the environment and consequently on their future.


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