Author: Kardelen Kaya
Publication date: 24.08.2023
Difference Between Immigration and Asylum Immigration
The phenomenon of migration is a fact
that has permeated our lives since the
beginning of human history. People migrate
for many different reasons. However,
migration should not be seen as a simple phenomenon. This phenomenon is an event that affects states and continents. Therefore, states have their own procedures.
Although asylum is an event that looks like immigration, it is actually not. Migration takes place with people's wishes and consent. The reason is usually economic problems. Asylum migration, in its simplest definition, means asylum. If a new country is in danger, its citizens are displaced. The priority here is safety. The country they took refuge in as a result of their search for a safe zone and this whole event is called asylum migration.
Reasons for Asylum Migration
Primary reasons for asylum migration
Asylum or the right to asylum is a legal and political right that some countries grant to applicants under predetermined conditions. Sexual, racial, religious, political, cultural, etc. if someone who has been discriminated against proves it. If the asylum seeker is accepted by the country commissions, the person is granted asylum. Thus, the person comes under the protection of the said state.
Role of states in asylum migration
In addition, unsuitable living conditions in their home country; In cases where their life safety is in danger (religious, ethnic origin, political differences, etc.), asylum applications can be made. Collective asylum can be requested in situations such as civil war, war, conflict, massacre or genocide in a country.
There are many theories and views on the concept of migration. Migration has sociological and psychological effects on people. However, these effects are not limited to humans. It has also affected the country's policies over time. Actually, migration flows encountered before the European Union took the name of the community, different policies were applied by each state. However, some steps were taken regarding common policies during this period.
What the asylum migration brings
Various agreements have been made between states, and various arrangements have been made for asylum seekers and refugees. After the countries gathered under the roof of the Union, migration issues were transferred to the Union administration over time. With the establishment of the European Union, immigration policies were included in the founding treaties.
In the following period, new agreements were
made within the scope of asylum migration. These
agreements necessitated the recognition of new
criteria. Thus, the European Union, which
formalized the situation of refugees with the
Dublin Regulation, started to review the asylum
systems while increasing the border controls.
The common European asylum system
Moreover, studies in this direction have revealed the need for a new common flow. Therefore, the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) was established in 1999 due to the need to set minimum criteria for asylum.
With the first phase of CEAS, which was completed in 1999-2005, minimum standards were determined. In the second stage, full cooperation of the member states of the Union is aimed at the legal arrangements to be made regarding refugees.
Common European Asylum System
Now let's examine our main topic, the 'Common European Asylum System'. The asylum mentioned here takes place in the face of necessity. It is working on a common legal framework called (Common European Asylum System). The system simplifies admission procedures for asylum seekers in member states.
It also ensures that asylum seekers enjoy the same rights in all member states. In this context, Dublin III, EURODAC, Admission Conditions Directive are case studies. With regulations such as the Asylum Application, it becomes a fairer treatment criterion for asylum seekers. It is also aimed to ensure equal treatment.
In addition, efforts are being made to create common immigration policies. Union countries are making improvements to facilitate the mobility of member states and their citizens. However, the regulations do not cover third-country nationals. They are constantly making restrictive arrangements for them
As a result, we can see these formations from Dante's search for the universal monarchy to the intellectual approaches behind the longing for peace and order in Europe.
Asylum Migration and Integration Processes
● Seeing integration as a process, not a project
● Presence of positive role models and combating prejudice and stereotypes ● Providing professional language and practice training
● Strengthening the perception of intercultural reality in society Supporting and disseminating intercultural education
● Proliferation of multilingual education Recognition of the role of language and religion in the integration process
● Cultural focus overtakes economic focus in the integration process
● Recognition that integration is a two-dimensional process
Figures of the EU's statistical agency Eurostat
● 27 member states increased the number of refugees from 275,40 in 2021 to 384,245. ● Last year, Germany was the country that approved the most asylum requests with 41%. ● The number of asylum seekers admitted to the European Union increased by 40 percent in 2022 compared to the previous year.
● According to the figures of the EU's statistical agency Eurostat, 27 member countries increased the number of asylum seekers to 384 thousand 245 from 275 thousand 40
in 2021.
● Germany was the country that approved the most
asylum requests, with 41 percent last year. It was followed
by France with 13%, Italy with 10% and Spain with 9%.
These four countries positively signed 73% of the asylum decisions.
● Of the asylum claims approved in 2022, 44 percent were granted refugee status, 31 percent subsidiary protection and 25 percent humanitarian protection.
● Syrians were the largest group to receive protection status with 29 percent. It was followed by Afghans with 23 percent and Venezuelans with 6 percent.
Regulations on the common European Asylum System
The aims of the regulations made in the field of migration policies in Central Europe are a lot. For example, the aim of the Union is to ensure the protection of the economic, internal security, social and political structure.
All these of course, without harming human rights. The main aim is to make progress in line with the objectives of the Union. The steps that can be taken in this direction will develop the common values of the Union.
In the formation and development strategy of the EU, there is the idea of creating a “Common Europe”. At the same time, competition against member states should continue. In addition, the idea of acting independently in some matters was preserved.
So, the main reason for this is that countries seek and expect flexibility in supplying the labor force needed. This happens with the help of the labor market in order to balance their own labor markets.
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Reference List
● Germany: Asylum applications rebound as COVID fears wane
● Effects of asylum migration: Economic, educational, health effects
● The cost of living in Europe: in which EU countries is it most profitable to live?
● Photography 4 Humanity application opens