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3 min read
Hiring the right person
Hiring the right person is a driver of success to your business. That is why entrepreneurs should have a formal hiring process in place.

2 min read
How To Address The Problems Your Customers Are Facing
In order to respond to customer tickets quickly, agents need relevant information and easy ways to respond to customers across channels.

4 min read
On October 28th, Facebook changed its famous name to Meta. Someone could say that It was just a re-branding policy after the Facebook

3 min read
The 10 mistakes you should avoid when developing your career
Developing your career as intentionally as possible is a key success factor for your professional life.

2 min read
The advantages of recruiting an international team
As the talent shortage continues, more and more jobs require continuous learning and skills development.

2 min read
16 Steps to a Better LinkedIn Profile
We will recommend you the best things to do for a better LinkedIn profile to be more attractive to companies or employers candidates

3 min read
The Unemployment and Recruitment Process during the Pandemic in Spain
This article sums up how COVID-19 affected the unemployment and recruitment process in the world and in Spain.

3 min read
Termination of Employment in Greece
If you are thinking about moving to Greece, it might help to first do some research. Therefore, this article will give some insights into...

3 min read
5 Benefits of Employee Referral Programs
Recruiting can be challenging. Hiring the right person for a position is a difficult stressful and long-lasting process. Furthermore, HR...

3 min read
Types of Employment in Spain
In this article, we will look closely on basic types of employment their essence and functionality, according to Workers Statue Law in...

4 min read
Termination of employment in Spain
In Spain, the termination can occur for different reasons. The notification of the dismissal must be written minimum 15 days before.
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