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Social media: between fake and reality

Updated: May 28

Publication date: 23.05.2024

Not everything is as it appears. That's the "motto" that goes with everything we see on social media every day. Life is not always perfect or flawless, as we insist on showing on social media. Nowadays, in fact, social media represent for most of us an attempt to flaunt a perfect life made of pure fiction. Posting a post on Instagram no lonest has a healthy sharing function, but comes for the most part case published with the purpose of showing happiness that very often does not exist or the goal of arousing envy.


If Instagram real reflected the reality of the fasts, posts continually published would be much more natural and much less set, really seeing to show the flaws and fragilities that characterize every human being. This method, is very often an attempt to escape from a reality from which we same time want to isolate ourself and at the same time a distraction that affects our daily lives making it less and less authentic. It is almost a way to feel perfect before the eyes of others when we know that I instill that perfection does not exist for anyone.


Social media: a very often wrong tool


Nowadays, unfortunately, social media is a double edged sword. If on the one hand they are a good tool from the working and social point of view. On the other hand they almost always represent a reality that does not exist and this becomes the environment favorable to the so- called “keybords lions”. 


They are called "haters" and are all these who do not show themselves visibly on social media, but very often use fake users to discredit and offend people. The haters, in fact, take advantage of this virtual dimension to vent on the lotus frustration, not posing and problem on their comments as no one can know their true identity

This communication strategy is totally wrong as it causes millions and millions of people every day to fight against themselves, leading them to feel useless and very often, also leading them to act negative.


The obsession for perfection


As we said earlier the appearance on social media has become a real obsession, just think about the life of most teenagers but not only. How many times have we gone out and couldn't wait to do an ig story to show what we were doing? The mobile phone has now became an integral part of us and social media have become the tool that show a perfect life devoid of frasility and imperfection, that unfortunately does not exist, but serves to give us gratification and make us feel loved.


All this is quite wrong, and toxic. One should understand that the basis of everything is us, our essence. Social media is a great tool but must be used sparingly.




At the end of this reflection, we can conclude that social media are excellent tools if they are used correctly. We must learn to be aware and aware of the fact that what we see daily on social media does not correspond to the reality of the facts, but is just a way to be noticed by others. Photos that are posted on social media almost never correspond to reality. All of us, when we decide to post a photo we will never post the one where we came out badly, but always the one where we see each other well. Unfortunately, however, we are not only the part that we post but there is much more. At this point we can say that social media has been an innovative tool for the growth of technology and socialization, but it has also been the cause of many problems for millions of people. Like everything, therefore, it is good to use it but being aware that what you see is not always the reality.


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