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How Can We Tackle Nervousness?

Writer's picture: Erika JakobiErika Jakobi

Updated: Nov 15, 2023

the author of the article

Author: ludovica rinaldi

Date of Publication: 31/01/2023

undestranding our emotions

Do you feel nervous from time to time? Well, it’s absolutely normal! We all face moments of nervousness, but sometimes it can be caused by a more serious problem. In particular, nervousness is an emotional state, which presents hypersensitivity and an excessive response to certain stimuli. Such stimuli could be a temporary feeling of worry, anxiety, apprehension and/or fear. In most cases, it occurs because of a specific situation that may be of great importance. So, when you feel that something may be dangerous, you usually feel nervous. Actually, you do so, as much as that sometimes your body gives a fight-or-flight response, necessary for survival. In addition, this state also implies a charge of energy that will help you focus and overcome obstacles! So being nervous can sometimes serve you well.

Tackling Nervousness: The main Causes

But what is nervousness and how can we tackle it? Apart from the psychological causes, sometimes nervousness can be found in people who abuse specific substances. For example, caffeine, alcohol, and drugs are basic causes of nervousness or the experience of periods of withdrawal from them. However, more rarely, nervousness may have an organic basis such as hyperthyroidism and hypoglycemia.

nervousness symptoms and causes

Symptoms of Nervousness

Let's look together at the most common symptoms of a nervous person:

  • The feeling of restlessness.

  • The shaking.

  • Increased heart rate.

  • Breathing faster.

  • The feeling of butterflies in the stomach.

In fact, there are different forms and intensities of nervousness. What they have in common are certain signs, mostly physical, and often easily identifiable even from the outside. For example, muscle tension is the first of these, usually located in the neck and shoulder area. The nervous person enacts, perhaps involuntarily, sudden, automatic, repeated or stereotyped gestures or movements (especially with hands, feet and face). Usually, the eyes also betray a state of high nervousness, remaining alert and attentive at all times. We may also witness excessive responses of other kinds. For instance, fits of anger, excessive sweating or shaking, sudden bouts of crying are common responses. Very often, those suffering from nervousness try in vain to keep their state hidden, especially in social situations. Actually, this doesn’t facilitate its resolution, but on the contrary tends to increase emotional tension and exacerbate what are symptoms. This makes it increasingly difficult to lead a normal social life. So, don't be ashamed if you suffer from nervousness, sometimes you just need a little help!

consequences related with nervousness

Consequences of Nervousness

Nervousness if it becomes chronic, can lead to damage on many levels, so let's be careful:

  • It can damage the neurovegetative system.

  • It can affect the gastrointestinal system.

  • In the sphere of social relationships it can affect verbal and nonverbal communication skills.

  • The person's decision-making abilities are affected.

  • Memory and concentration can be greatly affected.

What To Do?

We know that being nervous from time to time is right and normal, but it can often be unpleasant. Therefore, when faced with an attack of nerves, we recommend focusing on:

  • Relaxation and mindfulness exercises.

  • Having a healthier lifestyle.

  • Knowing one's triggers.

  • Preparing for the nervous breakdown.

  • Giving yourself a pep talk.

  • Going to therapy.

Why is it important to recognize the symptoms of nervousness? It is likely to turn out to be a recurring symptom of other disabling disorders such as depression, anxiety, fear, stress, panic attacks, or specific personality types. In such cases, it is crucial not to underestimate the symptoms and to seek specialist help as soon as possible. Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy is the approach of choice in treating symptoms of nervousness.

Differences Between Nervousness and Anxiety

When nervousness occurs too often, it may be due to an anxiety disorder. If the symptoms of nervousness indicate an anxiety problem, may be accompanied by other symptoms. We often use the terms "nervousness" and "anxiety" as synonyms, but they actually have different meanings. For example, when a nervous breakdown occurs, most people are able to recover their composure. Anxiety, on the other hand, involves the anticipation of a future threat. In some cases it can prevent you from doing the things you really want to do. When a person suffers from an anxiety disorder, he or she often experiences strong feelings of nervousness or worry. These feelings can occur very frequently and without being in a situation of obvious stress.


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