Author: Leonel Silima
Date of Publication: 16/02/2023
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The entire world has been experiencing a consistent digital transformation, increasingly
powerful and with infinite growth. When it comes to technology, there is no end point.
In fact, it is always possible to go one step further, make new discoveries and adopt intelligent digital practices. As a result, it facilitates organizational day-to-day activities and generates greater profitability. However, it would be impossible to talk about financial analysis, ignoring artificial intelligence. Therefore, we are going to talk about artificial intelligence (AI) trends in the financial sector. What's more, we will present the role of AI in the financial market and provide a list of AI tools aimed at financial services.
AI: Current position and future potential
Delays in decision making are costly in electronic trading – whether you’re dealing with equities, fixed income, futures, or commodities. So, waiting for end-of-day reports means you’re likely to miss profitable opportunities. Furthermore, you can fail respondance to threats to compliance until it’s much too late. Thus, Al gives tools that need to build and deploy their own real time monitoring and analysis systems without writing any code. For example, such tools are MQL5, etoro, analytics 2go, TWAP and more.
What’s artificial intelligence and its trends?
Simply put, artificial intelligence refers to systems that mimic human intelligence to perform tasks based on the information they collect. However, AI is a technology in constant development that allows the advancement of several areas. In particular, in recent years, this area tends to drive algorithms that are smarter than human cognitive capacity.
Brief framework of artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence is a vast field in which we can find subsets such as: Machine Learning and Deep Learning as a subset of Machine Learning. Below we present the figure with more details.

Figura 1: Artificial Intelligence structure
AI effects on our lives and on the financial market
Previously, there was more talk about the dependence on the internet, but now we cannot talk about the internet without mentioning AI. This is because they go hand in hand. In fact, the applications that circulate on the internet are currently developed by artificial intelligence tools, either by machine learning or deep learning.
Moreover, the core principle of AI is to replicate, and then exceed, the way humans perceive and react to the world. And it´s quickly becoming a mainstay of innovation fueled by various machine learning and deep learning techniques. These recognize patterns in data to enable predictions. The following are the main AI actions:
● Provide a more comprehensive understanding of the abundance of data
● Rely on predictions to automate tasks that are too complex and difficult for
humans and
● Learn from human data and patterns to replicate more intelligently.
Now that you understand the main concepts of artificial intelligence and its impact
on our lives, let´s talk about its trends in financial analysis.
Artificial intelligence and financial analysis
Before linking AI trends in Financial Analysis, we will present concepts and some financial analysis techniques.
Financial analysis can be defined as a study of the company & ability to identify its weaknesses and trends to improve and generate profits. The figure below illustrates the main financial analysis techniques.

Figura 2: Financial analisys techniques
What’s the role and trend of AI in financial analysis?

Figura 3: The role of AI in financial analysis
Was it clarified? You might think so, but the answer is still no, because the figure above just shows a passage from archaic to smart and the role of AI in this area.
What exactly are the trends of AI in the financial analysis process?
Understanding how artificial intelligence works in the financial market is an important role for finance professionals. Especially this happens for those who seek to enhance their operations or who still don’t understand much about investments. Therefore, this technology can be useful to help investors during the decision making process.
Algorithmic trading
Algorithmic trading consists of executing orders through automated trading instructions, identifying variables such as price, volume and time. This type of trading attempts to leverage the speed and resources of computers related to human traders. As you can see, AI marked a big step in the financial market. This is what used to be a series of tasks while now is an AI algorithm capable of running the entire trading process automatically. Among the algorithms used for automatic trading we can mention: MQL5 & TWA. Below we present an illustrative figure on the trend of AI in market trading.

Figure 4: AI trends in the financial market
Among several AI applications and trends in the finance area, we will present some of
the main ones that stand out:
1. Waiting time reduction
The application of AI technologies in financial services offers a more robust and personalized customer experience. For example the predictive analytics help customers manage their finances and get personalized advice. Another example is chatbots that are widely adopted to interpret customer queries and provide relevant answers in real time.
2. Risk assessment and prevention
Using AI to manage risks is particularly helpful when handling massive amounts of
both structured and unstructured data. AI algorithms help in fast data processing,
implement cognitive analytics to ensure better planning.
3. Ability to prevent financial crimes.
AI in your subset Machine learning models can perform analytics to identify fraud
patterns and payment anomalies. In addition, it delivers risk scores, and helps with
developing anti-money laundering solutions for real-time payment systems.
4. Support in trading
AI is used to analyze competitors & prices, market trends and even historical product
prices. Apart from that, it monitors the market in real time and readjust product prices
as market conditions change. In this way, it is possible to guarantee that the products
are always being sold for the best possible price.
Final considerations
Finally, keep in mind that in order to win you have to let go of traditionalism and invest in new technologies. This allows you to keep up with the evolving nature of markets Therefore, it’s impossible to support the demands and challenges of the current financial market without the support of artificial intelligence tools. Below are some of the main artificial intelligence tools aimed at financial analysis and management:
● Analytics2go ● Etoro ● Excelfomulabot
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