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Gender Differences in Advertising

Updated: Jan 26

Publication date: 25.01.2024

Differentiation for each targeted group is a typical tool how to effectively get the attention of the audience. But what are the key differences when it comes to men and women? And could this division even be harmful to the marketed product? 

Gender advertising

Gender advertising is based on using characteristics of each gender to differentiate them from each other in marketing products and services. In fact, the differences can be on various lines like communication, shopping experiences, decisions, and gender identification. 

Ad response

Men and women differentiate in response to the type of ads. Women are more likely to be interested in more informative, branded, and illustrated adaptations. On the other hand, men react to superiority claims. What's more, elements of ads are also a distinction. Men prefer content with humor, distinctive creative styles, and sexual imagery. Unlike women, they desire to see more of real life. 

Gender stereotypes 

The danger of laying only on the assumptions can be when consumers find the elements too stereotypical. Unfortunately, this situation happens often. 76 percent of female consumers and 71 percent of male consumers believe the way men and women are portrayed in advertising is “completely out of touch.”

The danger of gender advertising

According to an American study, 85% of purchases are made by women, while in half of the cases, they are buyers of traditionally male goods. In case of over-focusing on only one group, marketers can lose an opportunity to speak to the target audience

Gender-neutral stance

Gender-neutral stance

Due to society's evolution, gender roles are more and more blurred, especially in the younger generations. This situation combined with the fact that 50% of millennials consider gender to be a spectrum, makes gender marketing less meaningful and even harmful for marketers. 

Advice for brands

The best thing that brands could do to answer the needs of the new generation is to look outside the box. Start to focus on other differentiation than gender. 

Examples of successful campaigns

Brands that have products usually marketed for one gender, like Barbie or Harley Davidson, made a big meaningful step forward. Barbie presented a doll for boys and girls. Harley Davidson used women in their campaign, which was unusual for them. So, there are a lot of brands that transform their view on things. This approach can be extremely helpful in expanding the targeted audience. More than that is the increase in brand loyalty.

Gender marketing: yes or no? 

Gender marketing

In conclusion, it shows that particular subjects of ads can impact differently on men and women. However, excessive stereotypization can lead to delivering an incorrect impression of the marketed massage. Overall, the knowledge of your audience is the key to success, although using gender-neutral marketing could be the right choice anytime. 


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