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Do newsletters work?

Updated: Apr 3

Publication date: 28.03.2024

All of us at least once in our lives came across the so-called "newsletters", in which we were asked to enter the first email to stay in touch with the information/ promotions of the page. But are they really tools that work?


The main problem of newsletters lies in the fact that as a contact email is requested and this tool turns out to be much weaker than a contact on whatsapp, as a result this leads people, very often, to completely ignore this type of email. Precedence is given to any contact on whatsapp, its various social and platforms and just in this way the email passes into the background, reducing contact with the audience.

How to catch the user’s attention

To catch the user’s attention and induce them to be curious to keep up with the company’s promotions and news, any marketing channel must be able to hit the user’s emotional side. However, the attention span on the other side plays a key role. If the interest is little, no importance is given to the message and consequently the tool used, in this case the email, is not adequate. No one, in fact, is fascinated when he receives an email,  precisely because it does not create in the user the desire to go immediately to see what is written; contrary to what happens as soon as we receive a notification of whatsapp.

The solution to newsletters

The effect of the message you want to pass on creates a sensitivity of the user if he can capture his attention. To make this happen, however, you need to replace mass promotions with targeted communications. As a result, you have to change the instrument or channel to transmit your message.

The four rules that every newsletter should follow

Following the above, we will now see in detail what are the four elements to be respected to make a newsletter work:


1. An object that intrigues: a rule to always keep in mind when I know must capture the attention of the public is: never say little and never say too much. In the first case, in fact, you risk to immediately raise the barrier of the reader leading him to abandon it immediately, while in the second you risk losing his attention because of too long. We must, therefore, have the ability to intrigue.


2. An image consistent with the message and evocative: it is not necessary to show beautiful women or fantastic views, if you are trying to promote a car. To achieve positive communication, it is necessary to be consistent with the message you want to convey.


3. Summarising: in a context in which the user’s attention must be immediately captured, it is necessary to go straight to the point and speak in a concise and concise manner, leaving aside all the irrelevant aspects of the second plan that could only lead the user to leave the page. 


4. A conversion link: A very common error is to not ask for a user action. Remember that this is the only way to really test your interest, and call to action is essential. It is then enough to induce him through simple phrases such as: "click here to access the promotion".


At the end of the article, we can answer the question start and say that yes, newsletters still work, the only problem is the channel that is used to capture the user. However, in our day, thanks to the infinite possibilities of connection and the infinite tools available, this seems a fairly irrelevant problem. We must, therefore, go in search of the channel that is most appropriate both for the message that you want to pass on, but above all that is in line with the target you want to reach, remembering to respect the four points analyzed above. In this way, we will have winning newsletters!


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